segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2022

6th Edition "Laughter is Health" Congress | Lisbon

The main objective of Congresso Rir é Saúde is to divulge the benefits of laughter to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It´s important to me because we have the common human mission of attaining good health and well-being.
Laughter can make a difference in people´s lives, both to those who are well and those who are less well. To give you an idea, a person who spends two weeks without laughing, enters a state of depression. As we already know, depression is one of the biggest health problems in the world this day in age. Through laughter we can help people who are in a depressed state,and we can also bring more joy and physical health to people in general, because laughing is a physical exercise.
If you help to support this event, you will provide the opportunity for a lot of people to benefit from this event, and in so doing, you will be contributing to bringing more happiness to this world.
All the information regarding the first 5 editions on the web page .
Every edition so far has been a success. We have directly reached over 300 people in 5 years, and have and an average of 12 thousand visitors to our web page per year.
This has given us an established credibility, as our methods have been tried and tested with great success. Most challenges tend to be technical, like equipment unpredictable malfunctioning , but we have a team of 4 very competent professionals to deal with any such challenges that may arise.
The team consists of Sabrina Tacconi ( Laughter Yoga master trainer in Portugal ), Mar Gomez ( Laughter Yoga teacher ), César Ribeiro ( Laughter Yoga teacher ), Nelson Guerreiro ( Laughter Yoga teacher).
We are primarily a very united, tightly-knit team, with a common purpose of bringing more laughter to people´s lives.
7th May will celebrate Laughter Yoga World Day.
The congress will happen in Holiday Inn Hotel Oeiras (Lisbon)
You can book your room by
The entrance in the congress is 100 euros wich include 4 coffee-breaks and a participant certification.
Wi will have a translator from portuguese to english the full event.
And so, so much fun 😉
You can book you presence by
Thank you for your attention and see you in Portugal to laugh.
Sabrina Tacconi


domingo, 9 de outubro de 2022

Congresso "Rir é Saúde" | Mar Gómez

Bom dia! 😁
Mar Gómez - Cofundadora do Congresso "Rir é Saúde"
Formadora de Líderes de Yoga do Riso
Embaixadora do Riso
Presente divertidamente na 6ª edição do evento em Lisboa 🙌
Reserve a sua vaga pelo
Mais informação sobre Yoga do Riso em
Vemo-nos para Rir 🙏
#rirésaúde #congressorirésaúde #rirésaúde2023 #portugal #yogadoriso #laughteryoga #diamundialdoriso #congresso #workshops #palestras


segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2022

Congresso "Rir é Saúde" | Rosa Espírito Santo


Boa tarde! 😁
Formadora de Líderes de Yoga do Riso
Embaixadora do Riso
Estará presente no evento com um dos seus magníficos workshops com Riso. 🙌
Pode garantir a sua vaga pelo
Mais sobre Yoga do Riso em
Grata pela atenção e bom início de semana para tod@s,
Sabrina Tacconi