terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2022

Laughter Yoga Teacher Training | Retreatment | Portugal


Laughter Yoga has spread rapidly across the globe because it is impacting people’s lives and bringing them many benefits in a short period of time.
It has now become a part of mainstream yoga, and more and more people want to learn and practice this method. They are looking at becoming trained Laughter Yoga professionals, and perhaps make a career out of it in the near future.
It is a powerful technique that actually delivers the benefits of laughter, and this is the reason that people are getting involved in Laughter Yoga.
Over the past few years, there has been a huge demand for Laughter Yoga in various areas of application like social laughter clubs, companies and corporations, senior centers, schools and colleges, yoga studios, physically and mentally challenged institutions, and many others.
At present there are more than 15,000 Laughter Yoga leaders and 2000 teachers in more than 100 countries.
Since Laughter Yoga is a unique concept, it is imperative that a person, wanting to become a laughter teacher, undergoes comprehensive training that will provide him with in-depth knowledge of the concept, as well as equip him with skills to lead laughter sessions for different groups of people.
Objectives Of The Training
The first objective is to get more laughter into your own life because you cannot teach anything that you don’t have.
There is an old Chinese proverb: ‘You start teaching other people what you don’t have.’ Therefore, the best way to bring more laughter into your life is to become a Laughter Yoga teacher.
Secondly, as a teacher you must acquire knowledge and skills to teach, train and coach others as laughter leaders.
Finally, in order to laugh without any reason everyday you must learn how to laugh all by yourself by doing five breathing and five laughter exercises which will enable you to maintain your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
How You Will Benefit From This Training?
You Will Know Laughter- You will get in depth knowledge about laughter and Laughter Yoga wisdom - how and why it works as well as the immeasurable benefits it provides for body-mind wellness. You Will Learn To Do Laughter-Knowledge alone is not enough. You have to actually do laughter to experience the benefits. Laughter Yoga methods will give you guidelines and practical skills to do laughter in a group and once your body gets the intelligence of laughing without a reason, you can even laugh all by yourself anytime, anywhere.
You Will Learn To Live Laughter- Laughter is not just about learning and doing Laughter Yoga - it is about living it.
If you are happy, but people around you are not happy, they will not allow you to stay happy for a long time. Therefore, it is imperative to bring happiness to others in order to find yourself happy.
With our experience with Laughter Yoga worldwide, we found that once people start laughing on a regular basis, it automatically brings attitudinal changes in their behavior – They become more loving, caring and forgiving. Not only do they laugh in the laughter session; they carry the spirit of laughter throughout the day.
So, don’t you think it’s time for you to do something and make a conscious effort to bring more laughter and joy into your life as well as that of others?
You will learn:
How to lead a group of people through simulated Laughter Yoga Techniques and skills of converting this simulated laughter into real infectious and spontaneous laughter without using jokes, comedy or humor.
The powerful technique of Laughter Meditation, where you do not have to make any effort to laugh, and laughter flows like a fountain
How to do Laughter Yoga all by yourself Organization skills& Leadership skills Marketing, advertising & PR skills Communication & training skills to train laughter leaders
After completing this training, you will be authorized to train Certified Laughter Yoga Leaders, start Laughter Clubs and add more laughter to your life. You will also be trained to conduct Laughter Yoga seminars, workshops for corporates, companies, hospitals, schools, colleges & universities, old age homes, prisons, children with special needs etc.
Laughter Yoga Teacher Training Laughter Yoga Information Booklet by info@terapiadoriso.pt
Target Audience;
Alternative Therapist and Healers Recreation Activity facilitators Yoga fitness trainers and sports coaches Occupational Therapists & Health care professionals
Psychologists and Psychotherapists
Nurses & Social Workers
Counselors & Healthcare workers
Professional Speakers
HR and management training professionals
School Teachers
Psychologists and psychiatrists
Entertainment professionals
Actors & Singers
Clowns and Comedians
Senior care workers
Marriage and family therapists
Life coaches and alternative therapists
Tourism professionals & tour guides
Anyone who wants to add laughter and joy to their life.
For more information visit www.terapiadoriso.pt
Why make this training with Sabrina Tacconi?
Sabrina Tacconi is a Master Trainer directly certified by Dr. Madan Kataria , Laughter Yoga’s founder. Sabrina tooks her first Laughter Yoga class in 2005 and immediately felts mind-body health benefits. Since then, Sabrina has made it her mission help others to get more energy, laughter, and joy into their lives.
Book´s author about her personal and professional experience “Laughter in my life”, first edition in 2019.
Book´s author about meditation “33 guided meditations with creative visualization”, first edition in 2021.
Founder of Laughter Congress in Portugal since 2016 - “Laughter is Health” Sabrina is a dedicated International Laughter Ambassador since 2006, and Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher since 2007; having qualified 700 laughter yoga leaders and 25 Laughter Yoga Teachers.
Her trainings, retreats, and laughter health congresses, have helped thousands of people to feel healthier, and happier and to be able to connect with joyful.

Available Services:
• Certified L. Y. Teacher Trainings
• Certified L.Y. Leader Trainings
• Happy Talks,
• Regular Corporate Wellness Programs
• Regular Stress Relief programs,
• Regular School Programs,
• Regular College Programs,
• Public Awareness Seminars,
• Laughter Retreats,
• One on One Coaching,
• Laughter & Health Programs for Seniors/Hospitals/Clinics/Support Groups,
• Seminars, Events and Congress Production and Direction
Retreatment; 350,00 Euros
Training Price; 650 euros until 1th April. 750 euros on 2th April
3 places for woman and 2 places for man left for the full retreatment
3 places left for come and going everyday
Can see the place in https://www.casaraizavecasta.com
More information in info@terapiadoriso.pt or http://terapiadoriso.pt
Kind regards,
Sabrina Tacconi – International Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2022

Retiro 5ª Edição da Formação de Formadores de Líderes de Yoga do Riso

🤩 Early Bird 🤩
Boa tarde 😁
A 5ª Edição da Formação de Formadores de Líderes de Yoga do Riso em formato Retiro se realizará na Guest House Casa Raiz em Ferreira do Zêzere entre os dias 10 a 15 de Agosto 🥰
Adquira a certificação internacional em valor "Early Bird" por 650 euros (Retiro pago aparte) 🥳
Saiba tudo pelo info@terapiadoriso.pt ou visite http://terapiadoriso.pt e venha fazer parte da família mais risonha do mundo 🙏
Grata pela atenção e vemo-nos para continuar a rir 😁

sábado, 12 de novembro de 2022

Curso Certificado de Líder de Yoga do Riso | Online | 2023

“Saia da sua mente, entre no seu corpo”

Uma sessão de riso é sem dúvida uma atividade desafiante e fora da caixa.

Não somos loucos porque rimos. No entanto podemos ficar loucos se deixamos de rir durante muito tempo continuado…

Encaramos a atividade como se se trata-se de uma aula de teatro onde o protagonista principal é o seu riso. Rimos em grupo uns com os outros através de exercícios de riso.

O nosso organismo não distingue o riso provocado ou induzido do riso verdadeiro pelo que obtemos os mesmos benefícios seja o riso natural ou seja um riso produzido.

Os benefícios são os seguintes e estão comprovados cientificamente;

Fortalece o sistema imunitário

Fortalece o sistema respiratório

Fortalece o sistema cardiovascular

Oxigena mente e corpo

Aumenta a nossa alegria

Atingimos maior equilíbrio

Aumenta a nossa autoestima e autoconfiança

Melhora o ambiente de trabalho e as relações profissionais e sociais


No ato de rir libertamos substancias químicas naturais como a serotonina (antidepressivo natural), endorfinas (hormonas paliativas dador e produzem bem estar), dopamina (energia vital aumenta) e faz descer o cortisol que é a hormona que produz stress. Também conhecido como o cocktail da felicidade.

Todos nascemos com a capacidade de rir. Vamos perdendo esta capacidade a medida que nos tornamos adultos e a realidade nos condiciona…ou permitimos que esta nos condicione. O tal medo do ridículo e que não nos levem á sério.

Agora vamos ser atores de risos ao longo da sessão.

Vamos aprender que realmente podemos rir por tudo e por nada sempre que nos apetecer sem que isto seja um sinónimo de ter perdido a cabeça.

E vamos usar o riso no nosso dia a dia. Seja no contexto profissional seja no contexto de vida pessoal.

Pessoas que riem juntas são mais felizes e investir em saúde neste momento torna-se prioritário.

No Curso Certificado de Líder de Riso aprenderemos a;

Liderar sessões de riso em todos os contextos.

Dinamizar Cursos Básicos de Yoga do Riso certificados.

Rir em grupo e rir sozinho.

Gestão do projeto e muito, muito mais...

Pode proceder á sua inscrição pelo info@terapiadoriso.pt

Mais informação em http://terapiadoriso.pt

Grata pela atenção e vemo-nos para continuar a Rir.

Sabrina Tacconi | Master Trainer 


segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2022

6th Edition "Laughter is Health" Congress | Lisbon

The main objective of Congresso Rir é Saúde is to divulge the benefits of laughter to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It´s important to me because we have the common human mission of attaining good health and well-being.
Laughter can make a difference in people´s lives, both to those who are well and those who are less well. To give you an idea, a person who spends two weeks without laughing, enters a state of depression. As we already know, depression is one of the biggest health problems in the world this day in age. Through laughter we can help people who are in a depressed state,and we can also bring more joy and physical health to people in general, because laughing is a physical exercise.
If you help to support this event, you will provide the opportunity for a lot of people to benefit from this event, and in so doing, you will be contributing to bringing more happiness to this world.
All the information regarding the first 5 editions on the web page http://www.riresaude.pt .
Every edition so far has been a success. We have directly reached over 300 people in 5 years, and have and an average of 12 thousand visitors to our web page per year.
This has given us an established credibility, as our methods have been tried and tested with great success. Most challenges tend to be technical, like equipment unpredictable malfunctioning , but we have a team of 4 very competent professionals to deal with any such challenges that may arise.
The team consists of Sabrina Tacconi ( Laughter Yoga master trainer in Portugal ), Mar Gomez ( Laughter Yoga teacher ), César Ribeiro ( Laughter Yoga teacher ), Nelson Guerreiro ( Laughter Yoga teacher).
We are primarily a very united, tightly-knit team, with a common purpose of bringing more laughter to people´s lives.
7th May will celebrate Laughter Yoga World Day.
The congress will happen in Holiday Inn Hotel Oeiras (Lisbon)
You can book your room by hiexpressoeiras@continentalhotels.eu
The entrance in the congress is 100 euros wich include 4 coffee-breaks and a participant certification.
Wi will have a translator from portuguese to english the full event.
And so, so much fun 😉
You can book you presence by info@terapiadoriso.pt
Thank you for your attention and see you in Portugal to laugh.
Sabrina Tacconi


domingo, 9 de outubro de 2022

Congresso "Rir é Saúde" | Mar Gómez

Bom dia! 😁
Mar Gómez - Cofundadora do Congresso "Rir é Saúde"
Formadora de Líderes de Yoga do Riso
Embaixadora do Riso
Presente divertidamente na 6ª edição do evento em Lisboa 🙌
Reserve a sua vaga pelo info@terapiadoriso.pt
Mais informação sobre Yoga do Riso em http://terapiadoriso.pt
Vemo-nos para Rir 🙏
#rirésaúde #congressorirésaúde #rirésaúde2023 #portugal #yogadoriso #laughteryoga #diamundialdoriso #congresso #workshops #palestras


segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2022

Congresso "Rir é Saúde" | Rosa Espírito Santo


Boa tarde! 😁
Formadora de Líderes de Yoga do Riso
Embaixadora do Riso
Estará presente no evento com um dos seus magníficos workshops com Riso. 🙌
Pode garantir a sua vaga pelo info@terapiadoriso.pt
Mais sobre Yoga do Riso em http://terapiadoriso.pt
Grata pela atenção e bom início de semana para tod@s,
Sabrina Tacconi

sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2022

Congresso Rir é Saúde | Lisboa | Sabrina Tacconi

Bom dia! 😁
Sabrina Tacconi - Fundadora do Congresso Rir é Saúde abre o evento no dia 6 de Maio com o Workshop de Playfulness e a Meditação de Yoga do Riso 🥳
Dois dias maravilhosos com um programa excecional idealizado especialmente para si e para o seu riso 🥰
Inscrições pelo info@terapiadoriso.pt
Informações sobre Yoga do Riso em http://terapiadoriso.pt
Grata pela atenção e bom fim de semana 🙏
Sabrina Tacconi
#rirésaúde #congressorirésaúde #lisboa #portugal #yogadoriso #risoterapia #terapiadoriso #DiaMundialDoRiso #workshops #palestras #formaçãocontinua #laughteryoga


sábado, 24 de setembro de 2022

Congresso "Rir é Saúde" 2023 | Lisboa

Bom dia! 😁 - English Bellow
Iniciamos o fim de semana com novidades positivas.
Joe Hoare será o nosso convidado especial na 6ª Edição do Congresso Rir é Saúde.
Em breve partilharemos o programa definitivo onde o Joe intervém tanto no sábado como no domingo.
Quem é Joe?
Joe é Embaixador (e Professor) de Yoga do Riso e pratica yoga do riso há mais de 20 anos. Seu estilo é baseado no corpo, baseado no movimento e espontâneo www.joehoare.co.uk
E autor de 'Awakening the Laughing Buddha inside' e, mais recentemente, 'Laughter Yoga for Joy' https://www.joehoare.co.uk/shop.html
Iniciou as 'entrevistas Global JOY' em 2020 www.globaljoy.co.uk, incluindo entrevistas com o Dr. Madan Kataria, Patch Adams, Sabrina Tacconi e muitos outros.
Estes vídeos já foram vistos mais de 110.000 vezes.
Fundou o Bristol Laughter Club em 2003 www.bristollaughterclub.com
O local ainda está por definir, no entanto podes reservar a tua vaga pelo info@terapiadoriso.pt
Haverá tradução simultânea nas intervenções do Joe.
Grata pela atenção e vemo-nos para Rir 🙂
Sabrina Tacconi
Equipa Congresso Rir é Saúde 2023
On the 6th edition of the congress "Laughter is Health" we will have an special guest wich is Joe Hoare 🙂
Joe is a Laughter Yoga Ambassador (and Teacher) and has been a practitioner of laughter yoga for over 20 years. His style is body-based, movement-based and spontaneous www.joehoare.co.uk
He is the author of ‘Awakening the Laughing Buddha within’ and most recently, ‘Laughter Yoga for JOY’ https://www.joehoare.co.uk/shop.html
He started the ‘Global JOY interviews’ in 2020 www.globaljoy.co.uk including interviews with Dr Madan Kataria, Patch Adams, Sabrina Tacconi and many others. These have been viewed over 110,000 times already.
He founded the Bristol Laughter Club in 2003 www.bristollaughterclub.com
He will participate both days and in a few days we will have the full program with all the interventions.
We will have a translator so you can come to celebrate Laughter and on 7th May Laughter Yoga Mundial Day with us.
We still dont know exactly the place and we want an hotel so you can buy a pack with the room, food and the congress.
And of course you will be in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Lisbon 🙂
You can reserve your place by mailing me to info@terapiadoriso.pt
Thank you and warm regards,
Sabrina Tacconi
Congress Team 2023


Curso Certificado de Líder de Yoga do Riso | Lisboa

Curso Certificado de Líder de Yoga do Riso com a Master Trainer Sabrina Tacconi O que é o Yoga do Riso? O Yoga do Riso nasceu na Índia em 19...