terça-feira, 11 de março de 2025

Laughter Yoga Leader Training | One to One

 Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Course with Master Trainer Sabrina Tacconi

What is Laughter Yoga?

Laughter Yoga was born in India in 1995 and was created by Dr. Madan Kataria and his wife, Madhuri Kataria. It consists of combining breathing exercises with laughter exercises, transitioning from induced laughter to genuine laughter. This process allows the shift from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system, achieving a state of deep relaxation.

During a Laughter Yoga session, we practice the laughter exercises mentioned above, which form the dynamic and innovative technique that we will learn during the certification.

What does it mean to be a Laughter Yoga Leader and why?

Becoming a Laughter Yoga Leader is a decision to transform your life forever. Laughter Yoga allows you to laugh in any circumstance and anywhere. As a Laughter Yoga Leader, you will be able to facilitate laughter sessions in various settings, such as schools, businesses, cultural institutions, and more.

Additionally, being a Laughter Yoga Leader means contributing to building a better world through laughter—helping yourself so that you can help others. We are at the service of society and the community with this shared goal.

What does the Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Course include?

During the Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Course from the Laughter Yoga University of India, we will learn:

 How to lead laughter sessions in all contexts.

 How to organize Certified Basic Laughter Yoga Courses

 The history of Laughter Yoga, what a Laughter Yoga session consists of, and what a Laughter Yoga Club is.

 The scientifically proven benefits of laughter for health.

 How to conduct a Laughter Yoga Coaching session.

 How to laugh alone and laugh "with" others, not "at" others.

 How to build group dynamics, work with gibberish exercises, games, dance, and much more...

Why choose to bring more laughter into your life through this training?

Even if it seems unbelievable, years of experience have shown me that laughter is a decision. When you decide to bring more laughter and joy into your life, nothing and no one can stop you. By becoming a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader, you can develop a professional career in the field and also use the technique for yourself and those around you.

This way, you improve the overall environment with moments of shared or individual laughter and breathing exercises. This technique provides an immediate connection with yourself and your inner child, allowing you to carry joy wherever you go and share positive emotions with others.

The benefits of laughter for physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual health will be explored in-depth and scientifically. It is proven that laughter is extremely beneficial for therapeutic, personal, and professional processes.

How to turn certification into a paid professional activity?

To start a career in any field, practice is essential. A lot of practice. During the training, we will discuss how to practice until you gain the necessary confidence to lead full laughter sessions.

We will learn how to build a project from scratch and how to manage this activity, starting as a side profession alongside your current job. We will cover essential topics to become a successful Laughter Yoga Leader and positively contribute to a more balanced and joyful world.

Who can benefit from Laughter Yoga Leadership?

Children, seniors, businesses, schools, nursing homes, day centers, universities, senior universities, people with disabilities, hospitals, gyms, libraries, parish councils, municipalities, theaters, and many more...

International Laughter Yoga Goals:

 World Peace through Laughter.

 Individual and Inner Peace.

 Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Health.

 Finding our Life Purpose.

About the Trainer:

Sabrina Tacconi was born in 1971 in Switzerland and moved to Portugal in 1996. In 2005, she discovered Laughter Yoga and became a pioneer of the method in Lisbon and one of the leading pioneers of Laughter Yoga in Portugal.

She has been an International Laughter Ambassador since 2006 and a Laughter Yoga Leader Trainer since 2007, having trained 800 laughter leaders to date.

She has been a Laughter Coach since 2007 and founded the projects "Pink Week" and "Laugh More in Old Age" in 2008.

She also founded the "Laughter is Health" Congress in 2015 and became a Laughter Yoga Master Trainer and Author in 2019.

Since 2019, she has been a Trainer of Laughter Yoga Leader Trainers, having trained 30 Laughter Leader Trainers to date.

She became certified in Coaching and Emotional Intelligence in 2021.

A passionate mother, she is also passionate about laughter and the importance of daily laughter to make life lighter for everyone, allowing for the healthy and positive expression of one's essence.

Who is the Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Course for?

Anyone who wants to bring more laughter and joy into their life.


 Alternative Medicine Therapists

 Entertainers

 Fitness, Yoga, and Sports Trainers

 Occupational Therapists and Healthcare Professionals

 Psychologists and Psychotherapists

 Nurses and Social Workers

 Counselors and Mental Health Professionals

 Professional Speakers

 HR Trainers and Team Managers

 School Teachers

 Psychiatrists, Psychologists

 Entertainment Professionals, Actors, Singers

 Clowns and Comedians

 Senior Care Assistants

 Marriage and Family Therapists

 Life Coaches

 Tourism Professionals and Tour Guides

What will you gain by participating in the training?

 International Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Certificate from the Laughter Yoga University.

 Official Manuals and Documents from the Laughter Yoga University (India).

Course Fee: €250

Registrations or reservations at: info@terapiadoriso.pt More details at: 🌐 http://terapiadoriso.pt 🌐 http://yogadoriso.pt

Thank you for your time, Sabrina Tacconi

segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2025

Cursos Certificados de Líder de Yoga do Riso | Lisboa | Porto | Laughter Yoga

Boa tarde alegria! 😁

A chuva não dá tréguas e o riso também não 😁

Venha descobrir todo o seu potencial tornando-se Líder de Yoga do Riso. 💪

O curso certificado em Lisboa nos dias 5 e 6 de Abril está confirmado e os dias 24 e 25 de Maio no Porto também 🙏

Saiba tudo pelo info@terapiadoriso.pt

Grata pela atenção e bom início de semana 🥰

Sabrina Tacconi

#sabrinatacconi #mastertraineryogadoriso #autora #laughteryoga #CursoCertificado #lisboa #porto #cursopresencial #rirésaúde


domingo, 23 de fevereiro de 2025

Yoga do Riso | Agenda Sabrina Tacconi

Boa tarde 😁
Apresento a agenda confirmada para os próximos Cursos de Líder de Yoga do Riso, para a Formação de Formadores de Líderes de Yoga do Riso e para o lindo Workshop, também certificado, sobre a essência do Yoga do Riso.💛
Todos os cursos incluem documentos inerentes e Manuais oficiais da Laughter Yoga University (Índia).🙏
Qualquer dúvida ou questão estou ao vosso inteiro dispor pelo info@terapiadoriso.pt
Grata pela atenção dispensada e bom fim de semana,


quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2025

Cursos Certificados de Líder de Yoga do Riso


Boa tarde :-)

Espero encontrá-l@s bem ;-)

Quero informar-vos sobre todos os Cursos Certificados pela Laughter Yoga University de Líderes de Yoga do Riso previstos Online e Presencialmente.

Dias 24 a 28 de Março Online
Link do evento; https://fb.me/e/5eb6sOHU9

Dias 5 e 6 de Abril em Lisboa
Link do evento; https://fb.me/e/4rSkj6uVo

Dias 5 a 9 de Maio Online
Link do evento; https://fb.me/e/2AyWW8aoE

Dias 24 e 25 de Maio no Porto (único do ano)
Link do evento; https://fb.me/e/5Fxanykx0

Mais detalhes e reserva de vagas pelo info@terapiadoriso.pt

Tudo sobre Yoga do Riso em http://terapiadoriso.pt

Grata pela atenção e dia feliz :-)

Sabrina Tacconi

Laughter Yoga Leader Training | One to One

 Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Course with Master Trainer Sabrina Tacconi What is Laughter Yoga? Laughter Yoga was born in India in 1995 an...